Raise Your Grievance

The grievance procedure is a mechanism to sort-out the issues between student and college. It is a means by which a student who believe that, he / she has been treated unfairly with respect to his / her academic or administrative affairs. It is a way for students to express dissatisfaction, bring to the notice of Administration and seek solution against the issue that affect their right, well-being or term of education.

1. Grievance Drop Box

The Grievance Drop Box is installed in the first floor near the Vice Principal(evening) Office in the college main building. A student has to submit his/her grievance in writing in the prescribed grievance form. The Grievance Form can be downloaded by clicking on the download button given at the bottom of this page. The grievance form, duly filled, can be directly dropped in the Grievance Drop Box. After the receipts of grievances, the Grievance Committee shall take up the matter with the department concerned or the management for resolving them. Once grievances are resolved, the final report and resolution will be handed over to the Principal, who is the chairperson, for further advice or action.

Download Grievance Form

2. Online Grievance

The Online Grievance is a new initiative taken by the SXC, Ranchi that facilitates students to lodge his or her grievance. The basic aim of this system is to ensure transparency in academic and administrative practices and provide a mechanism for redressal of their grievances. The system also facilitates the Grievance Redressal Committee to search & browse grievances riased and resolve them as well as inform the complainant directly through email or phone.

Student Grievance Form

 Student Details:

 Grievance Details:

 Proposed Solution (Optional):


  I hereby declare that all information given on this grievance application form is true to best of my knowledge. I shall be fully responsible for furnishing any worng information.

3. Grievance Redressal Committee

The SXC's Grievance Redressal Committee wishes to promote and maintain a conducive and unprejudiced educational environment for the students in the college. The Committee will enable any aggrieved student(s) to express his/her (their) feelings by initiating and pursuing the grievance procedure in accordance with the rules and regulations of the college. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall conduct an enquiry and thoroughly examine the nature and pattern of the grievances in a strictly confidential manner. Emphasis on procedural fairness will be given with a view to “the right to be heard and right to be treated without bias”.

  S. No.   GRC Member's Name              Designation
      1   Principal Chairperson
      2   Vice Principal Member Secretary
      3   Dr. Sanjay Kumar Member
      4   Dr. Praveen Sinha Member
      5   Dr. Bharti Raipat Member
      6   Dr. Marcus Barla Member
      7   Two Academically Best Students of the College nominated by the Principal Members
      8   Two Best Athletes (one boy & one girl) to be nominated by the Principal Members

Exclusions: Grievance Redressal Committee shall not entertain the following issues:

  1. Decisions of the Academic Council/ Board of Studies and other academic/ administrative committees constituted by the college.
  2. Decisions with regard to award of scholarships/ fee concessions/ awards/ certificate/ medals.
  3. Decisions made by college under the Discipline Rules and Misconduct.
  4. Decisions of the college in admissions of ANY course.
  5. Decisions of the competent authority on assessment and examination result.
  6. Any other matter (Academic or Administrative) that the Committee, after thorough examination, deemed to be out of its purview.