Policy on Incentives & Other Benefits for Faculty Members

Funded R&D Projects from the Government / Industry:

  • 10% of the project value for a single member team.
  • 15% of the project value for a team of two or more members (percentage may vary as per the involvement)

Consultancy / Testing Projects from the Government / Industry / NGO:

  • 40% of the surplus revenue after deducting all the expenses.
  • It will be shared by the team members, as per their contributions.

Organizing funded Seminars / Conferences / Workshops / STTP /others:

  • 5% of the receipt value for a single member team.
  • 8% of the receipt value for a team of two or more members (percentage may vary as per the involvement)

Research Publications, Book Publications and Patents:

  • Research Papers in IEEE, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, Inderscience, Springer – Rs. 5,000/- per paper
  • Research Papers in Quality Journal with High Impact Factor – Rs. 2,500/- per paper.
  • Research Papers in UGC Refereed Journal – Rs. 1,000/- per paper
  • Academic Book (Editing/Authoring) with Quality Publisher – Rs. 5,000/- per publication.
  • Academic Book (as Chapter author/Joint Author) with Quality Publisher – Rs. 2,500/- per publication.
  • Patent – All the expenses.

Attending Seminars / Conferences / Workshops:

  • Registration fee will be paid by the college.
  • All the travelling and personal charges will be made by self.

Resource Mobilisation Policy

St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi is committed to help its students in realizing their full potential. The concept of autonomous colleges provides freedom in the areas of curricular design, innovative teaching & learning methods, research & extension activities including other academic activities like excursions, field work, internal innovative examinations and valuation. This makes the college fully accountable in imparting the quality of education. All these activities require massive resource mobilisation to meet the needs of increasing numbers of students and faculty every year. In this context, the institution follows a Comprehensive Resource Mobilisation Policy for all the SXC Community members.

The Policy Statement

The policy supports the achievement of strategic plans of the institution by due process of analysis and identification of resources required for all the programmes, prioritizing the requirements, allocation of the resources considering the available resources, and individual commitments. It also entails effective relationship management with the resource providers, the skills, the knowledge and the capacity for proper use of resources.

Objective of the Policy

  1. The primary objective is to ensure that there is a clear, systematic, predictable and well-coordinated approach to mobilisation of resources.
  2. To encourage and enhance the flow of resources coming into the institution for its development.
  3. To solicit & acquire resources by encouraging participation of society in the development or as contribution.
  4. To augment resources through consultancy opportunities on commercial basis to the industries, government, other bodies, and society.

Scope of the Policy

The scope of the Resource Mobilisation Policy includes resources and its mobilisation in the following nature:

  1. Financial funds received vide donations, scholarships, fellowships, consultancy.
  2. Materials- includes equipment, books, periodicals, journals donated.
  3. Physical resources- land and buildings & human resources, the scope entails in its activities all related to resource allocation.
  4. Ensuring the optimum allocation of resources as per procedure earmarked.
  5. Details and records of all monetary resources are maintained according to the legal and UGC mandates, electronically and manually.
  6. Setting out a procedure for all the non-monetary resource mobilisation of the college.
  7. Ensuring the effective utilisation of resources for teaching, learning and training.

Resource Mobilisation

The types and methods of resource mobilisation are discussed in staff meetings, finance committee meetings and will be valid only when approved by the Governing Body of the college. It is also discussed in the Alumnae Association meetings.

  • Primary Source - Central & State government grant-in-aid, management funds.
  • Student fees as per the institutional rules and regulations - for meeting routine non salary expenses.
  • Financial grants and funds from UGC plan development grants.
  • Grants received from UGC under ‘College with Potential for Excellence’ scheme.
  • Autonomous College Grants.
  • Interest from management investment.
  • Contributions from Alumni Association, alumni, NGOs, corporate house for improvement of quality of higher education.
  • Financial aids.
  • Scholarship funds from Government - Minority, SC/ST Scholarship.
  • Scholarships from Corporate / Business Houses, NGOs and Individuals.
  • Specific earmarked funds - Management Development, Staff Gratuity Fund, Management Scholarship Funds, Awards and Recognitions Fund from Management.
  • Interest on corpus funds donated by alumni.
  • Research grants received from UGC, ICSSR, JRF and institution’s Management Funds.

Resource Utilisation Strategies Employed

Resource mobilisation along with its optimal utilisation is carried out under the stewardship of the Finance officer/Principal.

  • The Grants mobilized from UGC are strategically used as per its direction for the improvement of Institutional Infrastructure, Knowledge Resources, Seminar/Conferences and Workshops.
  • The CPE funds are utilized as per the budgeted provision made in the budget proposal, expense statements and audited reports submitted as per UGC requirement annually.
  • The corpus funds received from Alumni Association, Alumnae and Guardians are disbursed towards student’s annual prizes and endowment funds.
  • The scholarship funds from Corporate and Business Houses are disbursed to needy students annually.
  • All Government and Non-Government financial grants are utilized as per its directions, fully keeping in mind the best interests of the stakeholders.
  • Research Grants from UGC are distributed to the staff members concerned and progress reports and expenses are audited on a regular basis.
  • The College Management Funds and special Earmarked Funds are used for salaries, research and such other expenditures.
  • Part of fees collected from students is utilized as per Institutional Rules and Regulations.
  • The physical and Academic Infrastructure within the college campus is utilized in an optimal way.

Allied College Resources

The Allied College Resources refer to the physical resources such as all furniture including furniture used for learning purposes, office equipment, electrical, electronic & security equipment. Monitoring, maintaining and reconciling such resources are the main responsibility of the Maintenance Manager (Refer Repair and Maintenance Policy). All necessary planning to implement this is carried out during each academic year. The Maintenance Manager is efficiently guided by the Principal and is responsible for maintaining these resources. At the end of each semester, he prepares a list of work including cleaning, maintenance and repair and hands over the list to the Principal / Finance head for approval and implementation.

Seed Money Research Grant Policy

Eligibility to Act as Investigator

Eligibility to act as a Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI) on internally funded projects is a privilege limited to the faculty members of St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi. This policy limitation is in place because PIs are responsible for determining the intellectual direction of the research and scholarship.

Pending Appointments for New Faculty

Faculty whose appointment start date is in the future may apply for submitting proposals, provided the appointment has been approved by the Governing Council of the BIES. In addition, an award cannot be accepted until the member’s appointment is confirmed.

Faculty Members Appointed under Short Term Leave Vacancy

Faculty members appointed on short term leave vacancy of a permanent faculty member will not be eligible for applying for any research grant in the capacity of PI. However, they can work as Co-Investigator after obtaining Principal’s approval.

Faculty Members Appointed under Long Term Leave Vacancy

Faculty members working under long term leave vacancy of a permanent faculty member are eligible to apply for minor research projects, provided they have a minimum six months service period left after sanctioning of the grant.

New Investigator Confirmation

Applicants who wish to apply as a New Investigator must seek confirmation of their eligibility to apply in this category by 30th June of every academic year. The early application and notification process is intended to allow the applicant(s) time to adjust the investigation team if they do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Conditions for PI Requests

PI requests from faculty members are subject to the following conditions:

  1. Any member of the teaching faculty who is interested in applying for Grant for research project (Minor/Major) should submit an application for grant in the format given under Annexure-I of Guidelines for Grant.
  2. The proposed research will be judged by SXC Research Centre (SXCRC) Director according to its relevance to the SXCRC 's mission. Proposals that are not deemed to be consistent with SXCRC‘s mission will not be approved.
  3. The proposed research must be carried out on SXCRC site and does not require utilisation of space on the SXC campus.
  4. SXCRC reserves the right to verify the progress and timeliness of the research project undertaken by the faculty member.
  5. The research must be conducted in accordance with institution’s policies concerning the conduct of research.

Criteria for Granting Rare Exceptions

  1. The proposed research must meet a Programmatic need of SXC. Meeting a Programmatic need means addressing an area of investigation that is not currently covered at SXCRC and is endorsed by a sponsoring member of the SXCRC as directly relevant to and supportive of the research or teaching Programmes of the faculty. Research that may be important in its own right and for which outside funding is available will not be judged as meeting the Programmatic need criterion unless it facilitates the ongoing objectives of the Institution in an identifiable and direct way.
  2. The proposed research cannot be funded and/or conducted effectively at SXCRC unless the proposed individual is the PI. Among other things, this generally will mean that there is no member of the Governing Council available to take responsibility for the scientific direction of the project.
  3. The proposed PI’s qualifications to direct the project provide assurance that the work will be conducted in accordance with the standards of excellence of the institution.
  4. No incremental space will be required for the project.
  5. The research must be designed and conducted in such a way that work can be discontinued when Programmatic need ends or if the sponsoring agency ceases to allot funds.

Exceptions to the PI eligibility policy will be rare in situations other than those described in sections mentioned above.

A written copy of any such requests in the application format given under Annexure-I of Guidelines for BIES Grant, along with the justification and approvals of the expert committee constituted by the BIES at the SXCRC, the Director SXCRC, the Principal of SXC should accompany the project proposal submitted to the SXCRC.


In case of any dispute regarding the allotment of the Grant, the Principal retains the right to make an appropriate decision after due verification of the entire grant allotment process, after being heard from each party. Decision of the principal will be final.

Review of the PI Eligibility and Criteria

The PI Eligibility and Criteria for Exceptions policy, including all modifications, should be reviewed by the expert committee constituted by the BJES at the SXCRC in a period not more than five years from January 2016, and thereafter periodically at intervals not exceeding ten years.

Seed Money Research Guidelines

Guidelines for providing grants to college teachers for minor Research projects:


The College offers financial support to faculty members of SXC who are interested in undertaking minor research projects on contemporary Socio/ Economic / issues, to meet their requirements for individual and excellent research in specialized areas.


  • To foster research culture among faculty members
  • To promote excellence in research in higher education
  • To support multidisciplinary research
  • To develop research-oriented attitude among young faculty members

Eligibility/Target Group

The College will provide financial assistance to Teachers who wish to undertake, along with teaching work, a Minor Research Project.

A working faculty member can avail only one project/scheme of the College at a time. The one which is offered and accepted first irrespective of Principal Investigator, must be completed before the next offer is accepted. Failure to abide by this rule shall make the Principal Investigator liable to refund the entire amount paid by the BIES in all such schemes. They may also be debarred from participation in future College Programmes. It would be the responsibility of the Principal Investigator to complete and submit the project on time. After completing one project (date of finalisation of accounts of the project), if a teacher desires to undertake another College project, a gap of one year will be necessary. Only the teaching faculty of SXC will be eligible to participate in the scheme.

Publication of Research Outcome:

The Principal Investigator should publish two papers in a reputed journal, in the form of a Books/Article/ Presentation in seminar etc. from the said project completed.

Nature of Assistance

The quantum of assistance for a research project is approximately Rs. 50,000/- Non-Recurring Grants

Books and Journals

The books & journals grants may be utilized to procure the essential books & journals needed for the proposed research work.

The books & journals acquired by the Principal Investigator under a Minor Research Project must be deposited to the library of the institution after the completion of the project, and those books will be considered as the property of the institution.

Recurring Grant

  • (a) Hiring Services: This is meant for specialized technical work, such as sample analysis, for which the University/Institution has no infrastructure and when such services are available on payment basis.


The College always strives to boost the application of technological advancement for the benefit of the Society. The trust always encourages the inspired brains to innovate through research for which it extends support in the form of Research Seed Money.

  • Every faculty is eligible to apply for internal project which shall lead to collaborative / externally funded research projects.
  • The college shall provide the basic infrastructure required to conduct research projects. Faculties are encouraged to identify inter-disciplinary research in their chosen field of research.
  • All innovative projects of faculty completed using the seed money are earmarked for filing patents. Further, suitable recognition and remuneration will be given to those faculties with patents.
  • Faculty members shall take appropriate actions to get their innovations covered by IPR and copyright protected.
  • Financial assistance is limited to specific items of expenditure or to cover a part of the expenditure on the specific budgetary items of the research.
  • The scheme is implemented with a view to provide seed money in the form of grants to promote research work in Arts / Commerce / Management / Technology / Science and Humanities with particular relevance to the Socio-economic development of the Coimbatore region with social relevance, industrial development and technology adoption.
  • The maximum eligible funding for a project is limited to Rs. 50,000/- subject to availability of funds, proposals will be scrutinized by a Research Committee as nominated by the Principal.

  • (b) Contingency: The admissible contingency grant may be utilized on spares for apparatus, photo-stat copies and microfilms, typing, stationary, postage, telephone calls, internet, fax, computation and printing needed for the project. Expenditure towards the audit fee may also be claimed under contingency head.
  • (c) Special Needs: Assistance may be provided for any other special requirements in connection with the project which is not covered under any other ‘Head’ of assistance under the scheme.
  • (d) Travel and Field Work: The amount allocated under the head travel/field work is to be utilized for data collection and collection of other information, such as documents and visit to libraries within the general scope of the ongoing project. This should not be used for attending conferences, seminars, workshops and training courses etc. They may also avail special casual leave/duty leave for field work/collection of data as per the University rules.
  • (e) Re-Appropriation: The Principal Investigator may re-appropriate maximum 20 percent of the recurring grant allocated under each head with the permission of Principal under intimation to the BIES with the justifications.
  • (f) Tenure and Implementation: The tenure of the research project will be a period of six months from the sanctioning of the grant.
  • (g) Extension of time limit for submission: In cases of delay in submission of the report within the time limit prescribed, the PI is required to submit an application to the SXCRC requesting for extension of time with proper reasons which will be forwarded to the Principal for final approval. However, the maximum period of extension of submission time will be limited to one year. The effective date of implementation of the project will be mentioned in approval-cum-sanction letter.

Procedure for Applying

All eligible teachers may submit their Minor Research Proposal applications in the prescribed proforma to “The Principal of SXC”. The proposed research work should be in conformity with the Minor Research Project guidelines.

Procedure for Approval

The received proposals will be assessed with the help of a subject expert committee constituted by the College at the SXC Research Centre. The final decision will be taken by the College on the basis of recommendations made by the Committee and the availability of funds under the scheme.

The teaching faculty should comply with these guidelines in case of Minor Research Projects.

Procedure for Release of Grants

The first instalment of the grant shall comprise 100% of the Non - Recurring and 50% of the total Recurring grant approved by the Committee for the total duration of the project. The grant will be released to the Principal of the College. On receipt of Annual Progress Report, statement of expenditure and utilisation certificate of 1st instalment of grant, 40% of the total recurring grant will be released as second instalment. Remaining 10% will be released on receipt following documents as final reimbursement:

  1. Copy of the final report of project along with soft copy.
  2. A consolidated item-wise detailed statement of expenditure incurred during the complete project period in the prescribed proforma duly signed and sealed by the Principal Investigator
  3. A consolidated Audited Utilisation Certificate for the amount actually utilized towards the project duly signed and sealed by Chartered Accountant, Principal as well as the Principal Investigator in the prescribed pro forma.
  4. The unutilized grant if any may be refunded immediately through cash to the Principal, SXC. It is mandatory to post the executive summary of the report, research documents, monographs, academic papers published under Minor Research Project on the website of the College.

The Principal Investigators are expected to settle the accounts immediately upon completion of the project. In case the balance grant, if any, is not claimed within six months from the date of completion of the project, the same will lapse and no representation will be entertained in this regard.


  1. After finalisation of the selection procedure of the Minor Research projects, the names of the selected Principal Investigator will be posted on the SXC website. The selected Principal Investigators have to send their acceptance certificate to the Principal and he/she shares it with the college for further action.
  2. Project is not transferable in any case.
  3. If a Principal Investigator fails to complete the project, he/she has to refund the entire amount released with interest.
  4. No extension in tenure is permissible under normal conditions.