Feedback Mechanism

Performance of college is increasingly judged on the basis of effective learning outcomes. Feedback Mechanism is essential to know whether the college is delivering good performance and imparting quality education. Hence, the College made a policy decision to make feedback forms available for different stakeholders to analyze the institutional performance on different fronts. IQAC has developed Feedback Mechanism and framework for its analysis. The Feedback Forms are circulated to all the Stakeholders i.e. Students, Parents, Employers, Alumni and Faculty Members. Dually filled feedback forms are to be forwarded to IQAC for Analysis. Every month the feedback analysis is forwarded to the Principal for further process and action. Feedbacks are to be collected under following broad heads: -

a) Feedback on Teaching
  • i. Students Feedback

Teaching is the core activity of the college, hence, to maintain teaching quality each teacher’s feedback is to be taken from students twice in each semester. Respective Class Teachers has to distribute the forms amongst the student, collect and submit to IQAC for Analysis. On the basis of this analysis Principal can take appropriate steps to improve the quality of teaching learning process in the College.

  • ii. Internal Peers

Each Faculty of the college has to attend each other lectures and fill up the feedback forms.

  • iii. External Peers

The College can invite the external subject experts, senior academicians or practicing lawyers to assess the performance of the teachers in classrooms and submit feedbacks about the same.

b) Feedback on Institutional Performance

Feedbacks are to be taken from all the Stakeholders i.e. Students, Parents, Employers, Alumni and Faculty to analyze the overall institutional performance in different aspects like Library, Placement, Administrative office, various college activities organized by the college. It helps to make improvements in next academic year.

c) Feedback on Curriculum

Feedback on curriculum is taken from all the Stakeholders i.e. Students, Parents, Players, Alumni and Faculty to analyze the effectiveness of existing curriculum and to suggest alteration or modifications as per the need of an hour.