Slow and Advanced Learners Policy

The college offers Graduation, Post-Graduation and Certificate programmes to the students from the rural as well as urban backgrounds in Jharkhand. Being a minority institution, the college caters to the needs of the students from the minority communities as well. As education is fundamental right, the institution practices significant strategies and scientific techniques to benefit both the advanced learners and slow learners in the college.

Advanced Learners

Advanced Learners are those students who are ahead on the learning curve and are identified based on the performance in class room, mid-sem exam and end-sem exam. They are more potential with their comprehension, retention, memory, critical thinking, creativity and contextualization practices. These students are in a great extend gifted and talented than the others in the class. These students can take up higher level learning and academic responsibilities. They can bring some new concepts, strategies, and also can take the leadership in the teaching learning activities. To meet the advanced technical know-how of advanced students following special activities are conducted:

  1. Individual academic counselling for carrier planning is done by concerned subject teacher.
  2. Doubt clearance session after classroom session.
  3. Guiding and encouraging to communicate research papers in conferences / Journals.
  4. Guiding the students for JAM, TIFR, JEST, NET, GATE and other competitive examinations.
  5. Ensuring regular participation of students in workshops / conference at renowned institutions of the state like BIT Mesra, NIFFT, NIIT Jamshedpur etc.

Slow Learners

Slow Learners are those who find it difficult to understand the lessons and may have difficulties in their comprehension, retention, reproduction and integration. They lag behind with the academic life. They may fail in exams or will score only poor grades. They may fail in articulations and critical reflections. Their motivation levels also may be poor and may find it difficult to adjust with the teaching learning process. The poor performance may not be a sign of the poor capacity or talent but may be due to inappropriate teaching methods, poor family situations, inadequate motivations and supports, unscientific learning practices or even the inability to converse in an unfamiliar language. These students need special attention and interventions to make their learning activity more enriching and effective. To meet the need of slow learners following special activities are conducted:

  1. They are provided with extra classes for improvement and achievement.
  2. The department and individual teachers help the slow learners by giving proper guidance and support to them.
  3. Organize bridge classes and remedial programmes for them.
  4. Conduct extra classes for the difficult subjects in the curriculum.
  5. The students are given with training on communication skills, personality development, time management and motivational sessions.
  6. Bilingual explanation and discussions are imparted to the slow learners after the class hours for better understanding.
  7. Provision of simple and standard lecture notes / course materials.
  8. Getting the support of the advanced learners to the slow learners in making their learning process more participatory and interesting.