Policy Applying to Student with Disability (SwD)

The policy is basically meant for creating an environment at the college to enrich higher education learning experiences for differently abled persons. Differently abled students should have access to education at all levels, according to the Persons with Disabilities Act of 1995 and the National Policy for Persons with Disabilities, 2006.

St. Xavier's College, Ranchi is committed to supporting equal educational opportunities for differently abled students by assisting them in reaching their full potential through structured Students with Disability (SwD) Policy and Procedures in accordance with UGC norms. While the college complies with the Persons with Disabilities Act and other legal provisions, the goal of this policy is to go above and beyond the legal requirements to provide a fully inclusive environment for students with disabilities.

For students with disabilities, the college offers a comprehensive support system. The college provides total inclusion of all individuals, with full and equal access to academic programmes, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, to enrich the learning experiences of differently abled students in higher education. None of the students will be subjected to discrimination under any programmes or activities offered by St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi.

St. Xavier's College, Ranchi, provides opportunity to the students with disabilities to develop with dignity and equality by providing an enabling atmosphere in which they can exercise, participate in equal opportunities, and interact with the rest of the student community.


  • To provide differently abled students in higher education with equitable educational opportunities.
  • To develop and cultivate an environment that supports positive, knowledgeable, and unprejudiced attitudes towards people with disabilities.
  • To use all acceptable and relevant teaching ideas and methods without compromising the course's important material or the mentor's ability to exhibit necessary skills and competencies.
  • To provide the college with the resources that differently abled students require in terms of the physical environment of the campus and facilities, as well as to facilitate online access to educational resources.
  • To encourage disabled students at the institution to speak up for themselves and claim their rights, as well as to educate all relevant stakeholders about the needs and challenges of students with disabilities through workshops and campaigns.
  • To implement all current and future legislation and policies pertaining to higher education for differently abled students.

Scope of the Policy

The policy applies to all campus activities, including but not limited to admissions, academic programmes, financial aid, mentoring, counselling, student health, and placement opportunities, with the principle of individual rights and responsibilities as the primary goal for all pertinent activities involving the Institution's students. When viewed in its totality, each programme or activity must be accessible to otherwise eligible students with disabilities.

UGC's implementing legal and obligatory requirements apply to the policy. The policy's guidelines are intended to be in line with the Acts. However, these statutes may be altered in the future, and in that case, the most recent applicable laws will represent Institution policy as it relates to non- discrimination based on disability.

Enabling Environment

The enabling environment of the Institution premises, as defined by the PwD Act, is one in which individuals with disabilities have no barriers to entering and using all of the facilities therein:

  • Entry gates.
  • Ramps in the building.
  • Emergency exits.
  • Parking.
  • Adaptation of toilets for wheel chair users.
  • Braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators or lifts.
  • Curb cuts and slopes in pavement inside the Institution premises.

The following facilities are also made available for the SwDs:

  • For students with disabilities, a special entry window is available, and the admission procedure is simplified on a priority basis.
  • Auxiliary aids and services, such as translators (sign or oral), readers, scribes, adapted equipment, and other relevant services or equipment, are available to students as needed for course or Programme accessibility.
  • The Institution is responsible for ensuring that no qualified disabled student is denied the benefits of or excluded from participation in any programme because of the absence of auxiliary aids & services.
  • All programmes, services and activities would be delivered in the most integrated setting possible to meet the needs of disabled students and to encourage interaction among all students, including SwDs.
  • Students with disabilities who have self-identified and supplied satisfactory documentation in accordance with legal mandates will be provided with reasonable classroom accommodations.
  • Academic requirements should be modified as needed and appropriate to ensure that they do not discriminate against SwDs based on disability or have the impact of discriminating against them.
  • Modifications may include changes in the length of time permitted for the completion of degree requirements, substitution or waiver of specific courses required for the completion of the requirements, and adaptation of the way in which specific courses are conducted.
  • The College may administer or assist in the administration of scholarships, fellowships, or other types of financial support established by Management, trusts, or other similar organisations that require awards to be made.
  • When supporting outside agencies, organizations, or persons in providing placement opportunities for students, the Institution would assure them that such opportunities are available to SwDs.
  • Personal, academic, or career counselling, guidance, and placement services would be provided without discrimination based on disability.


The Coordinator for SwDs is the college's Equal Opportunity Cell's Head. SwDs can follow the steps below to get the most out of the privileges and facilities provided by the college.

Documentation Procedure

  • All students seeking disability-related benefits must notify the Principal of the College in writing of the presence of a specific disability.
  • Students are responsible for self-identification and providing the College with current and appropriate documentation of a disability. Wherever possible, students may be asked to produce additional documents. The College must keep any documents pertaining to a student's or applicant's disability confidential and retain it.

Examination Procedure

Subject to the norms established by the St. Xavier’s College, Ranchi, candidates who are eligible to avail of the services of scribes, the Controller of Examinations is authorized to appoint scribes according to the following conditions:

  • No separate criteria for regular examinations.
  • The certificate of disability provided by a competent medical authority in any place is accepted.
  • The facility of Scribe is allowed to any SwD.
  • The SwD can have the discretion of opting for his own Scribe with prior information.
  • The person appointed as scribe shall not be an employee of the college.
  • He/she shall not be a relative of the candidates who is appearing for the examination.
  • The scribe's educational qualifications must be lower than those of the candidates.
  • A proforma with declaration shall be obtained from the scribe.
  • The proforma signed by the scribe shall be forwarded to the office of the Controller of Examination.
  • The procedure of availing the facility of scribe is simple with the necessary details recorded at the time of filling up of the form.
  • The examination center makes available suitable seating arrangement for giving examination.
  • The examination for SwD is held at the computer center and the examination centers is accessible for SwDs.
  • Compensatory time of examination is to be given for persons who are allowed use of scribe as per concessions mentioned below.
  • The decision of the Controller of Examination will be final.
  • Depending on the degree and nature of the candidate's impairment, concessions such as scribes during the examination and extra time to complete the examination are granted to differently abled candidates who appear for examination, subject to the norms prescribed by St. Xavier's College, Ranchi.